Thursday 16 May 2013

Are Isagenix Products Too High in Protein?

The word protein is said to originate from the Greek word prōteios,meaning “first quality.” It’s a fitting description because that is just how the nutrient is perceived at Isagenix. Quality protein is featured prominently in several of our products because of its role in the maintenance of our cells, our muscles and other body tissues, and our health.

For example, each of our popular IsaLean Bars serve up 18 grams of protein that make up 26 percent of its total calories; our IsaLean Shake supplies 24 grams of protein per serving that make up nearly 40 percent of its total 240 calories; and our IsaLean Pro Shakes supply a whopping 36 grams per serving that make up nearly 50 percent of its total calories.

But are these products too high in protein? It’s a question we often receive in the Research and Science Department and have answered in a variety of ways in previous articles. However, it’s worth addressing again because it’s such an important topic.

At first glance, it’s easy to understand why people question the protein—after all, government dietary guidelines give a wide range suggesting 10 to 35 percent of calories from your meals should be from protein and that carbohydrates and fats make up the rest. Yet more recent evidence suggests that when attempting to lose weight, one should consider a calorie-restricted regimen with a different macronutrient distribution that is higher in protein. Some nutrition scientists even feel that the dietary guidelines for protein intake need to be made higher for all adults (1).

What’s one to make of 18, or 40, or 50 percent protein in a meal replacement? The amount of protein found in these products is really only relatively high—that is to say that while protein may make up a greater percentage of the calories in these products, they are presented within meals that have calories restricted. In other words, they’re only high in protein as compared to the other macronutrients, carbohydrates and fat.

Consider that the actual amount of protein is pretty similar to what’s found in a typical Western-style meal; for example, a breakfast of eggs, hash browns, sausage, and toast has around 32 grams of protein. What you’re not getting in Isagenix shakes and bars is all the extra calories from fat and carbs (totaling around 1000 calories!).

Consider also that a typical American on a Western-style diet consumes around 10 grams of protein at breakfast, around 20 grams at lunch, and around 60 grams of protein at dinnertime. In total, that’s 90 grams of protein. With an Isagenix regimen of replacing two meals with IsaLean alternatives daily and having a 400- to 600-calorie dinner (with around 30 grams of protein), people still get around the same total grams of protein.

It’s undeniable that Isagenix products are higher in protein compared to other meal replacement counterparts on the market. However, when put into context by comparing to an average Western-style diet, an Isagenix program is not really higher in protein; again, the Isagenix program is onlyrelatively high in protein as compared to sources of other calories.

Why is it important to center our diet around relatively higher amounts of protein? Evidence continues to mount suggesting that this style of eating—a relatively higher protein amount in meals distributed evenly throughout the day—is the key to long-term weight loss and health (1-3). There are four primary reasons based on the scientific literature: 

Higher protein offers a higher satiety value, meaning it can help keep people feel fuller longer and reduce their cravings. 

As opposed to other diets, higher protein helps people hold on to their hard-earned muscle as they lose weight (or build muscle, if exercise is incorporated).
In addition, higher protein (through sparing of lean mass) helps to support a higher basal metabolic rate, meaning more calories are burned throughout the day.
Also, as we age our body’s ability to effectively use protein declines. More amino acids, or higher amounts of protein, are needed to stimulate muscle, and most likely bone, protein synthesis.

Protein is prized at Isagenix for reasons beyond its known role in supporting weight and muscle maintenance. The amino acids it supplies are the “building blocks” that make up all the structure of tissues and enzymes that perform every function in the human body.

Feel confident in knowing Isagenix products contain high quality protein in safe amounts that are based on the latest research for effective weight loss and muscle preservation as we age.


1. Layman DK. Dietary Guidelines should reflect new understandings about adult protein needs. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2009;6:12.

2. Westerterp-Plantenga MS, et al. Dietary protein – its role in satiety, energetics, weight loss and health. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug;108 Suppl 2:S105-12. doi: 10.1017/S0007114512002589.

3. Soenen S, et al. Normal Protein Intake Is Required for Body Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance, and Elevated Protein Intake for Additional Preservation of Resting Energy Expenditure and Fat Free Mass. J Nutr. 2013 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print]

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