Wednesday 15 May 2013

10.8% of Singaporeans Obese

Obesity is becoming a major concern for Singapore. It has been revealed in the National Health Survey that one in 10 people in the country is obese that comprises 10.8% of the total population; the figure was 6.9% in 2004.

The survey involved more than 4,300 Singaporeans aged 18 to 69 and was conducted every six years. The reasons that have contributed to the increase in the obesity rate are unhealthy diet and passive lifestyle.

People in Singapore have started taking outside meals more, which increased to 60.1% in the current year from 48.8% in 2004. Also, though more people have begun doing exercising, but 54.1% of the people are not exercising for at least 20 minutes each time.

Goh Chok Tong, Senior Minister launched National Healthy Lifestyle campaign in Singapore on Sunday, which aims at curbing the increasing rate of obesity. The launch event was participated in by over 1,000 people, who took to dance moves in the new Singapore Workout.

Through the campaign, the people of Singapore are being motivated to follow simple guidelines that include eating rationally, more indulgence into physical activity, association with friends to enjoy life and living a happier and healthy life.

"This year, we want to create a social movement, we want to get everyone to see the value of having a healthy weight and to see the value of enjoying life by being healthy", said HPB CEO Lam Pin Woo.

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